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Vedic astrology

[Originalgröße] Dunkel Pinselstriche Kirche Dreiseitige Broschüre (30 x 21 cm) (29.7 x 21

What the planets say about your life

Indian Vedic astrology has a very long tradition and differs from western astrology. Like yoga and ayurveda it comes from the Vedas. 

A Vedic horoscope shows the path of life and helps to create clarity, to remove doubts, to perceive the mind and talents more consciously. This allows us to better interpret the waves in our life. 

[Originalgröße] Dunkel Pinselstriche Kirche Dreiseitige Broschüre (30 x 21 cm) (29.7 x 21

A Vedic horoscope is created on the basis of the planetary positions on the day of birth, the time of birth and the place of birth, considering the current planetary transit. The Vedic horoscope is more precise than the western one and thus allows more precise statements about different areas of life (psychological, practical, spiritual). While the Sayana system is used in the West, Vedic astrology is based on the Niryana system. 

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Guruji combines a horoscope with palmistry. Our personality, our potential, our needs and our stage of development are reflected in our hands. 

The soul shows itself here and communicates, how it would like to express itself. 

A personal Vedic horoscope with palmistry and German translation takes about 45-60 minutes. You can ask questions at any time and you can also record the conversation. During these special times, Guruji offers to meet him online. You can find the appreciation in our price list.

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